Local people, local solutions
Bushcraft & wilding
A talk given at the Bushcraft Show 2023 on Wilding and Bushcraft
Catherine Allen – Project 60 interview
Catherine Allen, an old friend and experienced development worker who has worked all over the world. Catherine talks about how she ended up in this work, how important people are in nature conservation and reflects on lessons from overseas development.
Judy Ling Wong – Project 60 interview
Judy is an old friend who has worked tirelessly for the environment and especially as it relates to equity and inclusion for all. She is perhaps best known for her work with the Black Environment Network (https://ben-network.org.uk/), but she is involved in a wealth of other activity and is a real source of inspiration to many.
Nurbu Lama – Nepal – Slow tourism
Gyalpo – Nepal – ‘Indigenous nature conservation’