Lee Barber – Project 60 interview

Lee is an old friend who was actually brought up in the village I lived in for many years and even ended up working with me in my consultancy company some years ago. He now works at the British Trust for Ornithology (https://www.bto.org/)

Lee is an old friend who was actually brought up in the village I lived in for many years and even ended up working with me in my consultancy company some years ago. He now works at the British Trust for Ornithology (https://www.bto.org/).

Lee has a passion for all things relating to birds and their ecology. Much of his spare time is also spent as a volunteer, out with the family, checking nest boxes, bird ringinng and other related activities. Apologies for some of my distracted behaviour in this video. I was suffering with a nasty nose infection and the cold air was making it uncomfortable!