Interviews and Explorations
We know a lot of clever people and have seen a lot of good stuff! We are working hard to find ways to make at least some of this amazing resource available to you.
A lot of our time is spent pulling together resources from our own and others experiences. We do this though interviews, field visits, peer to peer work and workshops. As far as we can we are pulling these together into a variety of resources we think you will find useful. As well as direct training materials and resources (both produced by us and other in our networks) we are developing:
Interviews and projects with nature positive businesses, summaries and analysis of our research and working examples
Interviews with practitioners in a wide range of roles working for nature positive impacts, along with summaries and analysis of our research and working examples.
Virtual field trips joining us on our adventure exploring nature positive solutions
Other stuff we thought you might find useful!
These are all available through our website, for free, for a small fee or included as part of or training products, mentoring or coaching support.